The largest Bookcover Store for eBook covers, Hardcopy and Paper back Covers

We help book cover artists sell more covers:

  • We bring the authors to you. Thousands of authors visit New Book Covers every month looking for pre-made book covers (from romance to horror). Why miss out on them seeing yours?
  • All you have to do is upload your covers and we take care of the rest.
  • We let you choose how much you sell your covers for.
  • Sometimes authors will buy covers for books they haven’t written yet. Your covers can inspire them.
  • No limit on how many covers you can submit.
  • We spend $$ on promoting your work so you don’t have to.

Our Rates

We pay all of our cover artists a flat rate of 70% per sale.  So if you sell a cover for $100 (remember, you choose the price of your covers yourself), you’ll receive $70. No hidden fees.

Step by Step

Here’s a summary of how the process works, from start to finish.

1. Start by Registering your account here. Select option as a vendor so that you get to befcome a designer.

2. Check your email for the username and password and login to he website using the link sent to you. then change your password while there.

3. Read our cover artist guide and our cover submission guide then submit your covers for review. Covers are normally reviewed within2-4 days of their submission.

4. After your first covers have been approved, it helps if you promote your shop page by driving traffic to it. Here are some ways you could do that:

  • Share your link in social medias to get more customers.
  • link to your shop page from your personal website, Twitter profile, Facebook page, etc
  • add a link to your shop in your email signature
  • if you use a related topic in a forum, consider including a link to your shop in your signature.

You don’t need to do this to get sales, but we’ve noticed that the artists who take extra steps to drive traffic to their shop pages are rewarded for it.

5. When you make a sale, you’ll be notified automatically by email. Sometimes the author will have added a note to the order with the name and title to use on the cover. If this is the case, add the text to the cover and then email the cover to the author using the email address from the order invoice. If the author didn’t specify a name or title, please contact them via email and ask what they would like you to do. Some authors just want the cover as is and like to add the text themselves, for example. Some will use the form to send you a request of the tiltle and subitle and other details.

6. Get paid. Every week we send out payments to our designers who have made sales via PayPal as long us the amount reached $100. Once a week we pay you 70% of the sale price (which you set yourself). So if you sold one cover for $100 on any day of the week we will calculate the amount and send you 70% of the total as long as the new sells was three days before the next pay and send it to your Paypal address on the following week.

Questions about any of this, please let us know