All about ebook and book cover graphics for you to select
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Who We Are
Our Goal
It is a long established fact that book readers will be buying books beases on their graphic images on the covers. Even before anything else, good book covers can get their attention.
We are heading toward a goal of having biggest collections of pre-made book covers to be available for you in any category. We have contacted hundreds of designers from all over the world to join us. There will be thousands of professional that will covers every genre. So help us to help you.
The New Book Covers (NBC) is a multi-vendor marketplace where indie authors and publishers alike can easily find the perfect eye-catching graphic artwork that will grace their next best-seller books.

Our Story
We are authors and have great knowledge in writing and publishing books. We know how important a good book cover can be.
NBC was founded in 2019 and now has started to offer selections of high quality, affordable pre-made book covers online. Many of our customers loved this new approach are are eager to see what comes next. We are very sure that we will have repeat buyers and more designers very soon.
If you want to get in touch with me, please use the contact form on the website. If you’d like to get in touch with a particular designer, please use the Product Enquiry forms located under every single book cover on the website.